

Limiting the impact of climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Business, politics and society all need to play their part. Our one shared goal: to reduce CO₂ emissions.

Our climate protection measures are based on transparency when comes to our own significant CO₂ emissions in the ImpACT process. According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, scope 1 emissions are created in the mobility sector by the use of vehicles. Electricity and heating at our sites make up the bulk of our scope 2 emissions. With the procurement, distribution and operation of third-party data hubs, some of our scoop 3 emissions are already covered in our climate protection strategy.

Reduction target. We’ve made a start. From 2006 to 2020, we slashed CO₂ emissions by 55%. And positive choice takes things further with even bolder targets.

By 2025 we aim to reduce CO₂ emissions by another 40% compared to the base year 2018. By 2030, our sites, procurement processes, distribution and third-party data hubs will all be carbon neutral.

By 2040, all our suppliers will operate carbon neutrally too. But to get there, we need transparency. So we’ve already started collecting data about energy sources and emissions within the supply chain.

Measures. Our climate protection measures concentrate on the main drivers of our carbon footprint. We use renewable energy sources at our sites and boost energy performance using cogeneration, and more efficient alternatives for lighting and air-conditioning. We use 100% green energy where it is available.

When it comes to procurement, we are shifting from air freight to more eco-friendly shipping alternatives by sea or rail. We ensure our third-party data hubs and IT partners use green energy and are as energy efficient as possible.

Every year we send over thirty million parcels across Europe to our customers. Another key step towards becoming a carbon neutral company is avoiding and reducing CO₂ emissions created by parcel delivery. Offsetting (currently) unavoidable CO₂ emissions is a necessary means to achieving our goal by 2030. Some emissions created by parcel delivery in the Netherlands and France have already been balanced by our distribution partners. Carbon neutral shipping in Germany is planned for 2021. With our partner Hermes, we use atmosfair to offset unavoidable emissions triggered by the delivery process. But activities to purposely avoid and reduce CO₂ emissions are always better than offsetting. As a member of the Otto Group, Hermes Germany is committed to an ambitious climate strategy. By 2025, the company’s “Urban Blue” scheme aims to achieve emission-free delivery in eighty of Germany’s biggest cities. In Hamburg, e-bikes are employed to deliver our parcels emission-free. Find out more about what Hermes is doing here.

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